The Investor Relations department of Alm. Brand A/S seeks to comply with applicable investor relations standards on a global scale with a view to ensuring adequate liquidity in and fair pricing of the Alm Brand share and that Alm. Brand Group is considered by the capital markets as being a reliable, accessible and professional company. Based on stringent and consistent information, we strive to support Alm. Brand’s strategic goals and reputation in that we apply best practice in all relevant areas, including by establishing strategic and proactive relations with the group’s investors and offering digital solutions and professional liaisons for all stakeholders where relevant. The purpose of Alm. Brand’s investor relations function is generally to provide information and communicate openly, honestly and in a timely fashion with shareholders, analysts and other investor relations stakeholders on matters related to the group. All investor relations activities are conducted in compliance with national and international regulatory requirements and relevant stock exchange regulations, based on standards and recommendations on corporate governance issued by relevant organizations and internal guidelines.
Policy for investor Relations