We believe that Alm. Brand's core values and conduct towards all stakeholders are key elements in the future development of the company. We are therefore fully aware that maintaining open and constructive interaction with our stakeholders is in everybody's interest. That is why we have defined, within the framework of our corporate values
- We are ambitious
- We show confidence
- We exercise proper conduct
a number of rules for interacting with Alm. Brand's stakeholders. Moreover, management has approved a number of communications policies for shareholders, employees and the media. Lastly, the Board of Directors has adopted a CSR policy.
The corporate values apply throughout the group, and management continuously oversees compliance with the defined corporate values and is committed to implementing the communications policies adopted.
We aim to maintain openness and transparency in all matters relating to Alm. Brand. We intend to achieve this by maintaining ongoing contact with equity market investors, the media and the general public.
Each share carries one vote at general meetings. There are no voting restrictions.
In order to maximise shareholder attendance and influence, all registered shareholders receive personal notice of general meetings. General meetings are convened at 3-5 weeks' notice.
The shareholders may vote by proxy, and proxies may be issued for a specific general meeting only. Shareholders may differentiate their votes on the proxy form and they may also vote by correspondence. Alm. Brand regularly considers other methods of improving the shareholders' access to exercising their influence.
Alm. Brand strives to continually improve the contact to shareholders and the equity market in general and therefore uses several different channels of communication – of which the Internet is increasingly gaining in importance.
Management has set up contingency procedures in the event of takeover bids from the time that the Board of Directors has reason to believe that a takeover bid will be made.