Alm. Brand Forsikring A/S and Alm. Brand A/S are rated by the international credit rating agency Fitch Ratings. Fitch Ratings has assigned Alm. Brand Forsikring A/S an Insurance Financial Strength Rating (IFSR) of ‘A+’. Alm. Brand A/S has a Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) of ‘A’. The ratings all have a ‘stable outlook’, reflecting Fitch Ratings’ expectation that the rating will remain at the level assigned in the short to medium term.
Alm. Brand Forsikring A/S operates under the four brands: Alm. Brand, Codan, Privatsikring and Erhvervssikring.
Alm. Brand A/S has two debt issuances: Subordinated Tier 2 notes and subordinated Restricted Tier 1 notes. These notes are assigned the ratings ‘BBB’ and ‘BBB‘ respectively, in line with Fitch's hybrid debt notching criteria.
The bond issues of Alm. Brand Group follow VP's rules in force at all times.